G&J Kartway Repave Kickoff & OVKA Off-Season Hangouts
October 10, 2023TENTATIVE OVKA 2024 Schedule
October 16, 2023G&J Kartway Repave: UPDATE
Congratulations to G&J Kartway on the completion of the major paving work and thank you for arranging for these upgrades for 2024! We also want to thank Wagner Paving Inc. for their fine work and dedicated efforts this week.
While we know many of you are excited to get out to test the new surface, G&J Kartway remains CLOSED while work is fully finished on the track and we allow time for the asphalt to cure. The track surface is still very fresh, and hot, sticky racing tires can risk pulling the asphalt apart if not given the proper time to fully set. Allowing a healthy curing period well into this winter will protect against premature damage and guarantee a longer useful life for the new track surface.
We will work with G&J Kartway to announce the official re-opening date for practive when it is appropriate, and we appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping to protect the significant investment that has gone into this project.
As always, keep up to date on all of our social media channels, as well as OVKA.com!