The Ohio Valley Karting Association
Next Events:
G&J Kartway Clean-Up Day (March 22)
OVKA Karting 101 (March 29)
OVKA Charity Race (March 30)

OVKA will be offering a couple of new digital communication options for the 2025 season. Firstly, we have been working with Alpha Timing to streamline our race registration process for our 2025 events. Racers will have the option to pre-register & pay online ahead of time for race days, as well as view registered entries for each class before coming to the track. You can create an account now at: and we will begin assigning your memberships in the coming weeks if you have already paid for them, as well as any "free race entry" awards you may have.
Secondly, OVKA will also be posting our news and updates to our OVKA Discord server, in addition to our existing social media. Discord is a free messaging app that many series have been using to quickly send information to their members. You can join the OVKA discord with this invite link:
OVKA will continue to post all important news and updates to the website, Facebook, and Instagram as well.

OVKA is proud to release the Vendor Map and Load in Instructions for the 2025 Swap Meet. Full documents can be found below. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, doors open at 8AM!
Load-In Instructions

As you may have seen, last week Briggs & Stratton released the 2025 Ruleset for the 206 engine package. This ruleset included the anticipated move to eliminate the eligibility of the older-style "holographic" engine seals. As of Jan 15th, the ONLY seals that remain legal are the ORANGE seals.
OVKA will continue to follow this ruleset as written for 2025 for our entire competition season. If you have an older "holographic" seal engine that you plan to race with, you will need to update it by replacing the short block (bottom end) with a newer-style sealed unit to keep it legal for competition, which our local engine builders will be more than happy to assist you with.
BE AWARE: if you purchase a 206 engine at the Trade Show & Swap Meet on Feb 1st, be sure to CHECK THE SEAL. There is plenty of time to update an older engine to the new spec before Race 1 on April 13th.
The 2025 Briggs 206 Ruleset can be found at:
JOIN US on Saturday Feb 1st for the 39th Annual OVKA Trade Show & Swap Meet!
Over 230 booths of karting vendors, suppliers, series, and more! Visit for full info or to register as vendor.
Racing Seminars - Sign up NOW at:

Tech Trainings - Sign up NOW per info on flyer!

The 2024 Season Banquet is THIS SATURDAY January 18th at the Champion Mill Conference Center in Hamilton, Ohio.
The location of this new venue is 600 N. B Street, Hamilton, OH, 45013
CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD Parking Information
Parking INFO
Note: some GPS systems can have issues finding the right driveway.
>Hotel Guests should park in Lot 3. You can use the pull-up on the drive directly in front of the hotel to check in before parking your car.
>Guests not staying at the hotel should park in lot 1, 5 or 6.
>Lot 5 has reserved handicap spots.
Enter through the Champion Mill Conference Center which is the purple building on the map.
For those that park in Lot 1 There is a walk through that goes right onto B Street from the front left corner of the lot as you pull in.