New Modern Curbing Coming to G&J Kartway – Opening Day Postponed to March 30th
February 23, 2024
OVKA Pit Spaces Still Available for 2024 – Move in Day April 6th!
March 27, 2024
New Modern Curbing Coming to G&J Kartway – Opening Day Postponed to March 30th
February 23, 2024
OVKA Pit Spaces Still Available for 2024 – Move in Day April 6th!
March 27, 2024

UPDATE: March 30th is Now Clean-Up Day at G&J Kartway


G&J Kartway crews have been hard at work cutting out the legacy turtles and pouring new, modern apex and runoff curbing around the facility. They will continue to work next week to be ready for the 2024 OVKA Season. That being said, we do not believe that the new concrete will be 100% ready on our March 30th opening day as we had hoped.

Instead, on March 30th we will be transitioning our Opening Day Event to our annual Clean-Up Day. We welcome all OVKA members and friends out to the track to help position crash bags, garbage cans, and help get get the rest of the track ready for the 2024 season. This will be a great help to G&J Kartway be ready for reopening. We will meet at 10am and lunch will be provided for all volunteers.

Thanks for following along with us in the off-season and we can’t wait to celebrate our 60th Anniversary Season with you!

Please contact Aaron Banfield or Elliot Bokeno with any questions.