OVKA 2024 Club Survey
July 6, 2024OVKA 2024 Races 8 & 9
July 15, 2024Up Next: New Configurations!

THANK YOU to EVERYONE who came out to our OVKA Memorial Championship Race, and to everyone who organized, donated time & materials, and helped put on a great event for our Club. Points through Race #7 are now available at OVKA.com/points
COMING UP NEXT: we have our final Double-Header weekend of the year, on July 20-21 and it’ll be ALL CUT-THROUGH-ALL THE-TIME as we try out two new “X-Configurations” at G&J Kartway, which were tested by our 100cc classes at last year’s Charity Race. On Saturday we’ll be running 1CX (1C, but using the Turn 1 Cut-Through on every lap) for a high-speed, fast and flowing Outer-Loop of the track. On Sunday we will run BX, and run the same Cut-Through on every lap procedure on the smaller, inner B circuit. Visit OVKA.com for more information and come out and join us!
A reminder: our CLUB MEMBERSHIP SURVEY will continue to be available online through the end of the month. We’ve already received several dozen helpful submissions, and we appreciate you taking some time to give us your thoughts at: https://forms.gle/J6psSabSnvBBMB888