October 2023 Board Meeting Agenda
September 27, 2023G&J Kartway Repave Kickoff & OVKA Off-Season Hangouts
October 10, 2023G&J Kartway Closed for Repaving Starting October 9th
G&J Kartway will be CLOSED starting on October 9, 2023 for a full circuit repave, modernization of the track’s curbs, upgrades to facility’s overhead lights, and other renovations.
OVKA would like to extend our gratitude to the Gregg family for the extensive and ongoing planning effort that has gone into this project, and we look forward to working with the track to debut a refreshed G&J Kartway for OVKA’s 60th anniversary season in 2024.
This is a large slate of projects whose schedules may be influenced by weather in the coming months, so we thank you for your cooperation and understanding while the track is unavailable. If you plan to store trailers or equipment at G&J over the winter, they must be moved completely out of the pit areas and back against the tractor pull field.
As always, you can stay up to date with news at OVKA.com and our social media channels. We will keep you appraised of the progress of work and the planned reopening schedule throughout the offseason.
We ask you to please take the time to thank Gary Gregg and the whole Gregg family for their decades of support, hard work, and dedication to keep club-level kart racing thriving and affordable.