2021 Points After Race 10
August 15, 2021August 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
August 30, 2021September 11 & 12 Race Weekend Update
OVKA Members and Guest Racers,
We’re excited about the upcoming race events (Sept 11/12). To give our drivers, the most off-time between Saturday and Sun, I am going to start Saturday’s event an hour earlier and push Sunday back an hour. I have spoken with our Tower Coordinator and Race Director. We all feel that we can do this and still wrap up at a reasonable time both days. Sunday we will be running a single round of warm-ups, which allows us to start racing 30 minutes later than our normal start time.
The modified schedule is below.
I look forward to seeing you all at the track, and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.
Aaron – OVKA President