August 2023 Board Meeting Agenda
July 29, 20232023 Points Race #12 – Saturday Night Race
August 23, 20232023 Points Race #11 (NIGHT RACE w/ Special Later Start Time!)

We love our karters, and we love kart racing at other tracks, too! It has come to our attention that a number of our members who also participate in Motorsports Country Club of Cincinnati’s Pro-Am Championship are planning to “Do-the-Double” on Saturday, August 19th and compete at both MCC & OVKA on the same day!
In support of these ambitious competitors, the decision has been made to push back the starting times for our Round 11 Night Race by 2-hours from our standard evening race schedule. The new schedule for 8/19 will be:
GATES OPEN: 4:00 pm
/ PRE-TECH OPEN: 5:00 pm
CLOSES: 7:00 pm
All Competitors MUST submit an Entry Form by 7:00 pm on Sat 8/19 in order to race. If you are unsure if you will make this deadline due to transit time between tracks, we recommend you print & sign your Entry Form ahead of time and contact an OVKA competitor to turn it in for you at Registration.
We will leave Pre-Tech OPEN as long as needed to accommodate travelling racers. (ALL KARTS MUST SUBMIT A SAFETY PRE-TECH FORM BEFORE TAKING TO THE TRACK).
-Race #11 will now be run to the 5-min Qualifying / Pre-Final / Final Race format, due to the format switch made for Race #9.
-Per the 2023 OVKA rulebook, drivers who fail to participate in a Warm-Up session will start on the tail for the Pre-Final. Please review rules 306 & 308.2 in the OVKA Rule Book.
-As always, tinted helmet visors are not permitted on track after dusk. Please change to a clear or amber visor at the Race Director’s announced time.
We hope to see you all out on August 19th, and welcome any visiting racers looking to join us at G&J Kartway!