CALL TO ORDER: President
Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at Ramada Inn
Randy Vermillion welcomed everyone in attendance and asked that cell phones be
turned off or placed on vibrate mode.
Lynda Coombs made a motion to accept the September minutes as published. The motion was seconded by Don Boles and
passed unanimously. Coombs asked if the
board wants to hold a regular board meeting in January since the date will be
four days before the general memebrship meeting at the banquet. Consensus of the board was to forego a
separate board meeting in January and conduct all business at the general
membership meeting on Saturday, January 12, 2008, prior to the banquet.
REPORT: Deferred.
presented a sketch and reported he has been working with Mark Brown on design
and cost of turtles for the track expansion.
Rick Coombs provided an update on the finishing touches of the track
expansion. He explained seeding is
complete, mulching began today and the edges will be built up this spring once
the ground has settled. Doug Benson
asked if the committee’s work is finished.
Viney explained the Track Improvement Committee will continue to address
more ideas.
RULES COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs explained the purpose of
the general rules meeting is to collect ideas, thoughts and suggestions for the
next racing season. This general
meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, October 6, 2007, at G & J
Kartway. Coombs asked that suggestions
be emailed to him at [email protected] or by phone
at 513-726-4816. The first committee
meeting will be at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, October 20, 2007, at G & J
Kartway. Persons interested in being a
part of this work group should contact Coombs.
He reminded the board that the 2008 race schedule and class structure
are developed and voted on independent of the rulebook so this information can
be publicized during the off-season.
BANQUET COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs reviewed the classes that
did not meet the minimum 4.0 average required to be eligible for year-end
awards. Randy Vermillion pointed out
that sportsman-age classes traditionally have received a trophy regardless of
class average as long as the driver had 50% minimum participation. Following discussion, Ted Cradlebaugh made a
motion to provide first and second place awards for the Shifter, Junior Briggs
and Sportsman Briggs classes. The
motion was seconded by Don Boles.
Coombs amended the motion to bump the averages to the 4.0 level, which
provides first place awards only. The
amendment was seconded by Toshiya Michimi and passed with five in favor, three
opposed and one abstained. The original
motion was then voted on and passed with seven in favor, one opposed and one
SWAP MEET: Dennis Queary reported the Swap Meet
flyer is expected back from the printer by the end of the week and will be sent
out. Flyers will be available for
anyone who would like to distribute them.
The cut-off date to reserve the same spot you had last year is December
15, 2007. Randy Vermillion reported an
ad has been placed in National Kart News publicizing a vintage kart show at the
Swap Meet. The Swap Meet will be held
Saturday, February 2, 2008, at the Clark County Fairgrounds in
SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion thanked Toshiya
Michimi for agreeing to redesign the OVKA promotional materials. Doug Benson asked if there is interest in
updating the OVKA logo and offered to present a redesign his brother has
done. Tim Bell said over the years
consensus has been to not lose the flavor of the logo by going to something totally
different. Benson will send the design
to Vermillion for future discussion.
Max Viney reported he will follow up on details of the Cavalcade of
Customs Show held in Cincinnati in January.
Vermillion asked Viney to make clear the space requirements for
Cavalcade as last year not enough space was provided. Viney stated a 20’ by 20’ is needed. Vermillion would like to have some new pictures for display on
the OVKA booth. Viney reported he will
be promoting OVKA at an upcoming autocross event at the Nutter Center in
Dayton. Vermillion explained with OVKA
being a volunteer-run organization, the expectation is for everyone to in some
way assist with promoting the club. He
said this can be done by keeping OVKA literature on hand and passing it out when
the opportunity presents itself or by going to shows in your community. Vermillion asked that people make a
commitment to do just this during the off-season and challenged board members
to take the lead on this. Vermillion
stated with the new track expansion, this is a great time to be promoting the
SPONSORSHIPS: Randy Vermillion reported he continues
to look for someone to chair the Sponsorship Committee, which he has
coordinated the past few years.
Sponsorship packages will be discussed by the Rules Committee and once
finalized, information needs to be sent out to former and potential
sponsors. Vermillion asked that names
of potential sponsors be forwarded to him.
PARTICIPATION CREDITS: Lynda Coombs reminded everyone that participation
credits can be transferred until October 31, 2007.
2008 SCHEDULE: Randy Vermillion presented a first draft of the 2008 schedule. Gerald Whaling made a motion to do away with
all away races and stay at Camden. Due
to the lack of a second, the motion died.
Vermillion reported WKA’s Man Cup and Gold Cup schedules have been
received and the GLSS schedule is unknown at this time. Vermillion explained it is unknown when New
Castle will be able to confirm any dates for us to race there. Following discussion of qualifying, night
races, away races, number of warm-up sessions and configurations, the schedule
was tabled until next month so changes can be made per the suggestions.
TIRES: Randy Vermillion reported WKA distributed a handout at New
Castle, which specifies Bridgestone tires for the 2008 Man Cup, and Circleville
is looking at their options.
2008 MEMBERSHIP FEE: Randy Vermillion explained that
in order for the 2008 membership application to be included in the upcoming annual
mailing, a decision needs to be made about whether to make any adjustment to
the fee. Following discussion,
consensus of the board was to leave the fee the same.
2008 CLASS STRUCTURE: Randy Vermillion discussed the
need for the board to decide the 2008 class structure so it can be included in
off-season publicity. The Rules
Committee will discuss this at their upcoming meeting and Vermillion asked the
board to be prepared to address the matter next month.
MEMBER UPDATE: Carlson Bogan reported Ron Wilmath is
recovering at home. On behalf of OVKA,
Randy Vermillion extended wishes for Ron’s continued recovery.
Vermillion made a motion to adjourn to executive session at 9:30 p.m. Tim Bell seconded the motion, which passed
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Having been nominated last month, Ted
Cradlebaugh and Dennis Queary were unanimously elected to the OVKA Board of
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. was made by Tim Bell, seconded by Hal
Thornton and passed unanimously.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 6, 2007, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West
State Route 122, Franklin, Ohio (east side of I-75).
Benson, D. Boles, R. Coombs, R. Landes, M. Lewis, T. Michimi, H. Thornton, R.
Vermillion and M. Viney.
MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: C. Bogan, L. Coombs, T. Cradlebaugh, R. McKibben, Randall Potter, Randy
Potter, D. Queary, R.J. Vermillion, G. Whaling, and B. Williams.
submitted by Lynda Coombs, OVKA Secretary, 10/21/07.