CALL TO ORDER: President Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at Ramada Inn Middletown. 


OPENING REMARKS: Randy Vermillion welcomed everyone in attendance and asked that cell phones be turned off or placed on vibrate mode.


SECRETARYS' REPORT: Lynda Coombs made a motion to accept the August minutes as published.  The motion was seconded by Tim Bell and passed unanimously.


TREASURERS' REPORT: Gary Gregg provided a financial update and explained reconciliation with the tracks needs to completed.



TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE:  Rick Coombs reported the track addition is scheduled to be blacktopped tomorrow.  Max Viney noted the type of turtles to be installed needs to be determined.  Various options were discussed.  Viney asked for input on how all of the configurations should be designated.  Barriers were discussed including pillow-type, plastic and straw bales.  Tim Bell asked what issues will result from two different track surfaces to which Viney responded the new surface will be slick at first.  Randy Vermillion thanked Max Viney and Steve Rumsey for taking the aerial photographs, which were posted on the OVKA website.


SPONSORSHIPS / PIT SPOTS: Randy Vermillion said with the off-season approaching, sponsorship promotion needs to be addressed.  Vermillion has chaired this committee for the past several years and asked if anyone would be interested in taking it over.


SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion thanked the McKibben family for their participation in promotional opportunities at the Bellbrook Car Show and the Holiday of Home parade.  Ray McKibben said Vermillion’s kid kart was a big hit.  McKibben explained how he assembled a display that he used outdoors since the OVKA booth is intended for indoor use.  McKibben suggested a large photo of the new track be part of the display.  Vermillion would like to obtain a banner for this outdoor display.  Vermillion reported the Nelson family will be distributing OVKA information at a car show in the Newark area.  Gary Gregg suggested the club participate in a car show in Eaton which is held the weekend prior to Labor Day and usually has a large turnout


RULES COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs reminded everyone of the upcoming general membership rules meeting at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, October 6, 2007, at G & J Kartway.  This is an opportunity for OVKA members to share ideas for the 2008 season.  Coombs asked that suggestions be emailed to him at [email protected] or by phone at 513-726-4816.  The first committee meeting will be at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, October 20, 2007, at G & J Kartway.  Some committee members from last year have expressed interest in serving again.  Coombs said the committee needs to be a mix of general members and board members. Interested persons should contact Coombs.  He then explained the 2008 race schedule and class structure are developed and voted on independent of the rulebook so this information can be publicized during the off-season. 


SWAP MEET: Randy Vermillion thanked Dennis Queary for agreeing to co-chair the Swap Meet Committee along with Jeff Morningstar and Gary Gregg.  The flyer needs to be finalized soon in order to be sent to the printer.  The Swap Meet will be held Saturday, February 2, 2008, at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Springfield.  Vermillion discussed the need for plenty of volunteers to staff the gate throughout the day.  Queary suggested gate workers have bright vests to increase their visibility during the dark early morning hours.  Randy Landes recommended someone be near the road with a flashlight to direct attendees to the gate area.  Gary Gregg explained he is working on coordinating a vintage kart display and contest for the Swap Meet. 


BANQUET COMMITTEE:  Rick Coombs said the time has come to discuss appropriations for the 2007 banquet.  He explained depending on how participation levels work out, less prizes may be needed.  Coombs said not all of the funds appropriated are always spent.  Hal Thornton commented the banquet last year was great.  Gary Gregg suggested prizes be in the form of OVKA bucks/checks which could be spent at kart shops.  Scott Benson and Randy Landes raised questions about expenses associated with the track expansion.  Doug Stempfley made a motion to appropriate the same as last year, specifically $25,000, for the 2007 OVKA banquet being held in January 2008.  The motion was seconded by Hal Thornton and passed with nine in favor, one opposed and one abstained.  Toshiya Michimi offered to provide a photo CD for the banquet and Ray McKibben will assist with obtaining a projector.



SIRA RACE: Randy Vermillion reminded everyone of the SIRA (Southern Indiana Racing Association) race being held at G & J Kartway this Saturday, September 8, 2007.  Vermillion explained there are a number of classes in which our racers can participate.  The entry fee is $50 per class plus $5 for a single-day membership.  Kid Karts are $25 and pit passes are $10.  For information, see the SIRA website, www.sirakarting.net


PARTICIPATION CREDITS:  Randy Vermillion discussed the need to establish a policy regarding the earning of participation credits including minimum ages and documentation required.  He suggested the Rules Committee address this matter. 


FUN RACE: Randy Vermillion reminded everyone the fun race at the end of the season on Saturday, September 22, 2007, was cancelled by the board.


2008 SCHEDULE: Randy Vermillion reported the data collected at race #11 indicates most racers would like to see the 2008 schedule look the same as this year with ten G & J events, two Circleville events, two New Castle events and two drops.  Vermillion anticipates having WKA’s 2008 schedule soon and will present a draft 2008 OVKA schedule at the October board meeting.  Toshiya Michimi said the board needs to keep in mind financial considerations.  Gerald Whaling agreed and further stated people do not recognize the decreased income at away races.  Rick Coombs discussed the fact that quite a few OVKA racers and workers do not travel to these events.  Hal Thornton discussed the enormous job of transporting all of the equipment to away races.  JoAnne Hartings pointed out that people do not understand the work it takes to put on these events.  Vermillion discussed the difficulties at away tracks due to the home track visitors not wanting to abide by OVKA rules.



TECH EQUIPMENT: Randy Vermillion explained the need to purchase a piece of equipment for conducting tech procedures.  Since the amount falls within his authority, no motion was needed.


BOARD MEMBER RESIGNATION: Randy Vermillion reported he accepted the resignation of Bill Brundage with regret.  Vermillion thanked Brundage for his years of service to the club.  Brundage received a round of applause.


BOARD MEMBER NOMINATIONS: Max Viney nominated Dennis Queary and Ted Cradlebaugh to the two vacant board positions.  Hal Thornton seconded the nominations.  Since both men were in attendance last month, the nominations can be voted on at the October board meeting.



MEMBER UPDATE: Carlson Bogan reported Ron Wilmath continues to be in the hospital.  Gary Gregg asked that we remember him in prayer.


TIRES: Gary Gregg suggested the board consider running a mix of three different varieties of tires, such as having four Dunlop classes, two Bridgestone classes and classes with a third tire compound.  Gerald Whaling responded this would require kart shops to carry three different types of tires.  Randy Vermillion explained there is an agreement between OVKA and Dunlop for another two years and told Gregg the matter can be addressed by the Rules Committee.  Randy Landes pointed out that there are quite a few OVKA members who carry spare tires and make them available to visiting racers.  Lynda Coombs explained when non-members sign in and need tires, she has been able to locate someone who will loan them.


NEXT BOARD MEETING: 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 2 2007, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West State Route 122, Franklin, Ohio (east side of I-75).


ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn at 9:29 p.m. was made by Tim Bell, seconded by Doug Stempfley, and passed unanimously.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: T. Bell, D. Benson, R. Coombs, G. Gregg, J. Hartings, R. Landes, M. Lewis, T. Michimi, D. Stempfley, H. Thornton, R. Vermillion and M. Viney.


MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: S. Benson, C. Bogan, L. Coombs, T. Cradlebaugh, J. Horn, D. Lawson, R. McKibben, Randall Potter, Randy Potter, D. Queary, S. Rumsey, R.J. Vermillion, G. Whaling, and B. Williams.


Respectfully submitted by Lynda Coombs, OVKA Secretary, 9/24/07.