CALL TO ORDER: President
Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at Ramada Inn
Randy Vermillion welcomed everyone in attendance and asked that cell phones be
turned off or placed on vibrate mode.
Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the July minutes as published. The motion was seconded by Max Viney and
passed with nine in favor and one abstained.
Gregg provided an update on the financial status of the organization.
TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: Max Viney reported track paving will take
place this week. At this time it is
unknown if the track will be available for practice on Saturday. Viney will keep Doug Stempfley informed so
information can be posted on the OVKA website.
SPONSORSHIPS / PIT SPOTS: Randy Vermillion reported there
are some reserved pit spots available for rent on a race-by-race basis at a cost
of $15 per race. Contact person is Hal
SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion reported that OVKA was represented recently in a couple
of newspapers. There was an article in
the Journal News, which serves Butler County featuring Michael Fortner. An article in the Register Herald out of
Eaton featured Kenton Bell, David Caplinger, Joshua Clark, Zach Combs, Kyle
Fogt, Cierra Lawson and Jonathan Powers.
Lynda Whitaker spoke with the videographer who filmed OVKA all of last
season. He explained funding was not
available to complete the project and said he would put together a 15-minute
action clip for promotional purposes. Ray McKibben suggested the board consider
requiring written agreements in the future for photographing and videotaping so
OVKA can maintain some rights. Toshiya
Michimi recommended requiring some type of sponsorship. Max Viney discussed the benefits to OVKA of
allowing photographing of events.
McKibben reported he will be distributing OVKA literature at a
Thunderbird car show in Bellbrook, Ohio on September 9, 2007. Vermillion said literature is available
for anyone who would like to distribute it at car shows or other events. Contact Max Viney or Vermillion.
RULES COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs explained Rules Committee
meetings will begin once the race season has concluded. The first meeting will be for the entire
membership at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, October 6, 2007, at G & J Kartway. This is an opportunity for everyone to
discuss ideas for the 2008 season.
Coombs asked that suggestions and ideas be emailed to him at [email protected] or by phone at
513-726-4816. Last year’s committee
members should let Coombs know of their interest in assisting again by the
September board meeting, as well as anyone else who would be interested. He discussed the importance of the Rules
Committee having a mix of general members and board members. The first committee meeting will be at 10:00
a.m., Saturday, October 20, 2007, at G & J Kartway. Coombs explained that the 2008 race schedule
and class structure are worked on and voted on separately so this information
can be publicized during the off-season.
SWAP MEET: Randy Vermillion reported Dennis Queary has agreed to
co-chair the Swap Meet Committee with Jeff Morningstar and Gary Gregg. Queary will contact Tim Bussen and
Morningstar to get the flyer put together for National Kart News, the OVKA
website and other publicity. Vermillion
said it would be nice to have some media coverage for this event and asked for
assistance in contacting Dayton area television and radio stations. Don Boles offered to provide information to
Kilkare Raceway. Vermillion will
contact Springfield area newspapers.
Gregg asked for ideas about special events to conduct at the Swap
Meet. Vermillion explained quite a few
volunteers will be needed to work the gate.
SIRA RACE: Randy Vermillion reminded everyone of the upcoming SIRA (Southern Indiana Racing Association) race being held at G & J Kartway on Saturday, September 8, 2007. Vermillion explained there are a number of classes our racers can participate in. The entry fee is $50 per class plus $5 for a single-day membership. Kid Karts are $25 and pit passes are $10. This Saturday race precedes OKVA’s 13th event, which will be on Sunday. For information, see the SIRA website, www.sirakarting.net
Vermillion reported there are a lot of racers who do not have participation
credits or who have only one of the two credits required in order to be
eligible for banquet prizes. He
explained there are only four more race day opportunities to earn participation
credits. Vermillion said he is totally
against creating a third workday for the purpose of earning work credits. Doug Benson pointed out there was a season’s
end work day last year to which Vermillion responded that was a special
situation created by the Track Improvement Committee. Vermillion also discussed parents bringing young children to work
days expecting a work credit for fifteen minutes worth of work from a child
instead of the four hours that are required.
As a reminder, Randy Vermillion pointed out the fun race at the end of the
season on Saturday, September 22, 2007, was cancelled by the board.
2008 SEASON: Randy Vermilion discussed the
financial investment being made in the track expansion by both the club and
track owner and said he is of the opinion the club should stay at G & J
Kartway next year. Vermillion discussed
low kart counts at away races, travel expenses involved and the fact that quite
a few of the club’s regular workers will not travel. He pointed out that other clubs do not include traveling to G
& J on their racing schedules.
Vermillion asked the board to canvass the membership at the upcoming
DRIVERS FUND: Lynda Whitaker reported the club received a letter from the
Dayton Auto Race Fans organization (DARF) reminding of the existence of the
Wally Scherer/DARF Injured Drivers Benevolent Fund.
RESIGNATION: Randy Vermillion reported it is with regret he has accepted
the resignation of Nick Ouwerkerk from the OVKA Board of Director’s. Ouwerkerk is an OVKA Lifetime Member and has
been a Board member for twelve years.
He served four years as OVKA President and on many committees. Vermillion thanked Ouwerkerk for his
dedication to the organization and wished him the best. Ouwerkerk received a round of applause.
LIGHT POLES: Tim Bell reported
Drew Young knows of some light poles that are available for the track. Gary Gregg will contact Young.
Bell reviewed how dropped races affect year-end points. Bell stated it is not a fair method and he
has tried for seven years to have it changed.
Randy Vermillion explained this is something the Rules Committee will be
NEXT BOARD MEETING: 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 7 2007, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West
State Route 122, Franklin, Ohio (east side of I-75).
ADJOURNMENT: As has been tradition, Nick Ouwerkerk made a motion to adjourn at 8:55
p.m. The motion was seconded by Max
Viney and passed unanimously.
Benson, D. Boles, R. Coombs, G. Gregg, R. Landes, M. Lewis, T. Michimi, N.
Ouwerkerk, D. Stempfley, H. Thornton, R. Vermillion and M. Viney.
MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: C. Bogan, T. Cradlebaugh, K. McKibben, R. McKibben, Randall Potter,
Randy Potter, D. Queary, R.J. Vermillion, G. Whaling, L. Whitaker and B.
submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 8/19/07.