CALL TO ORDER: President
Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at Ramada Inn
Randy Vermillion reminded attendees to turn cell phones off or put on vibrate
mode. With a great deal of business to
discuss, Vermillion asked there be no sidebar conversations and comments be
Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the May minutes with a correction that
Max Viney seconded adjournment. The
motion was seconded by Viney and passed unanimously.
Gregg provided an update on account balances.
CHAMP RACE: Randy Vermillion reported a
chairperson is still needed for the Champ Race and Lynda Whitaker can provide
details of responsibilities. Ray
McKibben agreed to chair the event and oversee music. Tim Bell has catering lined up with Powers Catering who has done
a great job the past couple of years.
Gary Gregg agreed to provide sodas and line up tables from the Methodist
Church. Beth Slater is coordinating
games and will need some help. Trophies
have been ordered. Participants in the
Kid Kart and Rookie class will all receive an award. Vermillion asked the board how they want to handle Senior Novice
Yamaha since it is not a points class.
Max Viney suggested using trophies not used at previous events. Vermillion will asses what is available and
order new plates. Toshiya Michimi
provided a sample photo of the pictures Niki Stempfley will be taking. Steve Rumsey inquired if a photographer with
whom he is acquainted can take pictures to display for sale on his own
website. Vermillion explained a
commitment has been in place for the Champ Race and asked the board for input
about allowing this for other races.
Viney suggested Bill Schmidt be given access to the track and Tim Bell
agreed. Vermillion discussed the
special board meeting held at race four where the board voted to allow an
exhibition Junior HPV class with the use of SL4 tires. WKA was contacted and they approved this
exhibition class. Vermillion reported
it has been suggested a sportsman-age HPV class be offered as well. Following discussion and a straw poll of the
board, it was decided to run only a junior-age exhibition HPV class. Vermillion asked for input on the gate fee
for the Champ Race explaining there are added expenses associated with it. Gregg suggested it remain the same as last
year - $15 for two days and $10 for one day.
Viney recommended the board look at adjusting the fee next year.
SPONSORSHIPS / PIT SPOTS: Randy Vermillion reported a new
sponsor has come on board. Vermillion
became acquainted with Tire Pry’r, who makes a tire dismounting tool for the
karting industry, while at the KMI Show; Vermillion said some reserved pit
spots are still available. Hal Thornton
inquired if they can be reserved at a reduced rate now that part of the season
is gone. Lynda Whitaker explained in
previous years, reserved pit spots have been rented on a prorated basis. Thornton suggested reducing the rate to $75
for the remainder of the season.
TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: Max Viney reported Gary Gregg, Bret Campbell
and himself met to review the work done by Rick Coombs. Gregg and Campbell are working on obtaining
pricing of asphalt. Randy Vermillion
stated the track addition looks nice and reminded the board of the trickle-down
effect it will have including the need for more corner workers, fencing and a
kart retrieval vehicle. Viney suggested
there be a path leveled out for kart retrieval purposes. Jeff Powers offered to look into obtaining a
golf kart.
PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion reminded
everyone that OVKA literature is available for distribution. Max Viney reported Bill Smiley will distribute
flyers at SCCA and autocross events.
Viney passed out literature at the Kettering Mini Grand Prix
recently. Don Lawson will take
information to the Register Herald in Eaton.
TRACK PAINTING: Randy Vermillion discussed the
upcoming track painting day explaining the work could not be completed at the
clean-up day due to the weather. Track
painting will take place Sunday, June 10, 2007, from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Rain date is Saturday, June 16, 2007,
9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Work teams will be
assigned so be sure to contact Vermillion to sign up. Vermillion said there will not be jobs available for young
children. Notice the track will be
closed for the day has been posted on the OVKA website.
COMPUTER SOFTWARE: Randy Vermillion explained this past Saturday night while preparing for
Sunday’s event, the motherboard on the club’s primary computer had some major
issues. After many hours on the phone
with Dell and our computer software provider, we were able to come up with a
way to run the system on Sunday. The
primary computer has to be sent off for service and will be gone a minimum of
three weeks. Vermillion said last
month, the board was not willing to fund an additional software license and bar
code scanner. While a bar code scanner
is not absolutely necessary right now, it is critical an additional software
license be purchased. Vermillion said
while the cost of the license alone is within what he is allowed to appropriate
without board approval, he did not want to do so without a motion since the
board was not in favor of the software and scanner last month. Rick Coombs made a motion to appropriate
$250 to purchase a software license.
The motion was seconded by Tim Bell and passed unanimously.
CUP: Steve Willis discussed the need
for workers for the upcoming WKA Gold Cup being held at G & J Kartway June
30 and July 1, 2007. Willis explained a
participation credit can be earned for donating time with the club receiving
financial compensation. A second day
can be worked for pay. Contact Willis
at 513-852-6347 (work), 513-777-5127 (home) or via email at [email protected]. Max Viney suggested this be mentioned at
driver’s meetings.
SIRA RACE: Randy Vermillion discussed the upcoming
SIRA (Southern Indiana Racing Association) race being held at G & J Kartway
on Saturday, September 8, 2007.
Information is available on the SIRA website, www.sirakarting.net. The entry fee is $50 per class plus $5 for a
single-day membership. Kid Karts are
$25 and pit passes are $10.
PARTICIPATION CREDITS: Randy Vermillion reminded
everyone of the new requirement this season to have two participation credits
above the participation level in order to be eligible for year-end prizes –
both grand prizes and participation prizes.
EVENING EVENTS: Randy Vermillion reported arrangements have been made for lights for this coming Saturday evening
race. Lights will be delivered Friday evening
and help will be needed setting them up.
This takes several hours so the track will close at 7:30 p.m.
RACE DAY TIME SCHEDULE: Randy Vermillion explained there have been quite a
few questions and comments from racers who feel they should be provided more
track time on race days. Vermillion
asked for input from the board on the feasibility of this. Possible options discussed were starting
warm-ups earlier, reducing warm-ups to one session, reducing the length of time
is open and start racing earlier.
Vermillion said these suggestions are not without issues: starting
warm-ups earlier would not work when there are early morning foggy conditions;
early morning track conditions do not provide as good of data because the track
is cold and some racers may not like having only one round of warm-ups. Vermillion explained with the new
registration and timing software, we are able to start racing earlier once
sign-in has closed, grids are printed and the computers are moved to the
tower. Vermillion said we can start
introducing a fifteen minute earlier start time this season and then change the
times by thirty minutes next season.
CIRCLEVILLE RACE #10: On behalf of Steve Tatman, Randy Vermillion reported
Circleville Raceway Park will be open for practice on Saturday, July 28, 2007
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only. This
is the day before OVKA’s race #10. This
is necessary to be respectful of a wedding and reception taking place across
the road from the track.
DISCIPLINARY MATTER: Randy Vermillion discussed a
situation that occurred at race #5 that requires consideration of disciplinary
action. In as much as the driver
involved was not present at this meeting, Max Viney made a motion to hold a
special board meeting at the next race to talk with the driver. The motion was seconded by Hal Thornton and
passed with 7 in favor and 3 abstained.
Vermillion will notify the driver.
CAMERA SYSTEM: Pat Robbins discussed some of the
components needed to have live camera feed at the track, as well as high-speed
internet. He will continue to research
the matter and report back.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 3 2007, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West
State Route 122, Franklin, Ohio (east side of I-75).
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn was made by Don Boles 10:04 p.m., seconded by Tim
Bell and passed unanimously.
Boles, R. Coombs, G. Gregg, J. Hartings, R. Landes, M. Lewis,
T. Michimi, H. Thornton, R. Vermillion,
and M. Viney.
MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: T. Cradlebaugh, D. Lawson, G. Lutz, K. McKibben, R. McKibben, Randall
Potter, Randy Potter, J. Powers, D. Queary, P. Robbins, S. Rumsey, R.J.
Vermillion, G. Whaling, L. Whitaker, B. Williams and S. Willis..
submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 6/26/07.
CALL TO ORDER: President
Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m. at G & J Kartway
in Camden, Ohio.
Randy Vermillion explained this meeting was called to discuss possible
disciplinary action for John Horn.
Vermillion reported on a situation that occurred in the scale lane at race #5
at G & J Kartway on Sunday, June 3, 2007.
Following discussion, Vermillion made a motion to place John Horn on a
four-race probation beginning today.
The motion was seconded by Max Viney and passed with 7 in favor, 2
opposed and 1 abstained.
seconded by Rick Coombs, motioned to adjourn the meeting at 3:59 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.