CALL TO ORDER: President Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at Ramada Inn, Middletown, Ohio. 


OPENING REMARKS: Randy Vermillion welcomed attendees and asked that everyone sign in and keep cell phones turned off or on vibrate.  He asked that discussions be brief in order to get through all of the matters to be discussed this evening.


SECRETARYS' REPORT: Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the October minutes as published.  The motion was seconded by Don Boles and passed unanimously. 


TREASURERS' REPORT: On behalf of Gary Gregg, Rick Coombs provided an update on finances.  He explained the last two races still need to be reconciled with the track.



RULES COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs reported a general member meeting was held October 21st at which time input for the 2007 rulebook was collected.  With a few exceptions, the people who attended were the same group who attends board meetings.  Input collected at that meeting was combined with what had been compiled throughout the season, as well as by email.  The first work session was held this past Saturday where a lot was accomplished.  The next meeting will be 9:00 a.m., Saturday, November 18th.  After the Rules Committee finishes their work, a draft 2007 rulebook will be presented to the board for review and discussion prior to voting on the end product.  Suggestions may be emailed to Coombs at [email protected].


TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: Max Viney thanked the Track Improvement Committee and everyone who helped with track clean-up and repairs on Saturday, October 21st.  Viney reported a lot was accomplished including painting the fence and advertisement boards, as well as filling cracks in the track.  Viney thanked Bill and Bob Kosins with Beavercreek Rental for providing an air compressor.  Viney reported $960.79 was spent out of the $1,000 appropriated.  He explained more crack filler is needed and made a motion to appropriate an additional $500.  The motion was seconded by Don Boles and passed with 10 in favor and 1 abstained.  Viney reported a meeting was held with Gary Gregg who was receptive to a proposal to lengthen the track.  Brett Campbell is working on a materials list and pricing.  Viney said he anticipates excavating could begin this spring or summer and hopes paving could begin in 2008.  The committee will continue to work on the design and plans and report back to the board.


BANQUET COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs reported a mailing will be going out by the middle of this month which will include a banquet registration form, participation credit information and a 2007 membership application. Forms are available this evening and will also be on the OVKA website.  The banquet will be held Saturday, January 20, 2007 at Kings Island Resort & Conference Center.  It is important to note the cutoff date for hotel reservations is December 29, 2006 in order to get the special rate of $69 plus taxes.  Ticket prices will be $30 for 13 years and older; $15 for ages 6 through 12; children 5 and under are free but they do have to be registered.  There is a price increase if paid after January 5th.  Coombs explained the Cadet Jr. Sportsman and Yamaha Super Can classes fell short of the 4.0 minimum average required in order to be eligible for trophies (3.8 and 3.9 respectively).  Coombs made a motion based on past practice to bump these classes to 4.0.  The motion was seconded by Doug Stempfley and passed with 10 in favor and 1 abstained.  Coombs discussed expenditures associated with banquet and asked for input as to ways to streamline expenses.  Randy Vermillion responded that reducing banquet expenses could potentially do away with participation prizes.  Coombs said this could impact the willingness of people to volunteer for work days and shows.  He said some savings could be achieved by doing away with plaques.  Doug Benson asked for a breakdown of banquet expenses.  Vermillion said that if the club is going to move forward with track expansion here will need to be a sizeable reduction in expenses somewhere.  Lynda Whitaker pointed out that any changes for next year need to be incorporated into the 2007 rulebook so participants will be informed.  Tim Bell responded that a lot of people had no idea the club pays for the majority of prizes given at the banquet and assumed they were donated.  Ted Cradlebaugh said he thinks it is too soon to change next year’s banquet and suggested the club come up with other ways to save money – not just the banquet.  Bell said at the current rate there is not enough left over at the end of the year to put into the track.  Following further discussion, JoAnne Hartings suggested if a design plan is ready in time, it be displayed at the banquet.



SPONSORSHIP/PIT SPOTS:  Randy Vermillion reported Hal Thornton has agreed to oversee pit spots in 2007.  A volunteer is still needed to chair the Sponsorship Committee.  Vermillion explained the importance of this position and said it needs to be filled by someone who has time to make contact with existing sponsors and pursue new sponsors, send out mailings and keep track of sponsorship.  The position could be shared by two people.  Ray McKibben offered to assist with phone calls and contact local businesses.


SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Nick Ouwerkerk reported four of OVKA’s class champions will be honored at the DARF (Dayton Auto Race Fans) banquet Saturday, December 2, 2006.  JoAnne Hartings, whose son was recognized in the past, said the DARF banquet is very nice.  Max Viney will attend as a representative of the board.  Thirty-five dollars will be donated to DARF to sponsor trophies.  Ouwerkerk explained set up for the Cavalcade of Customs Show in Cincinnati will be January 24th and 25th (Wednesday and Thursday) in preparation for the show which runs January 26 through 28, 2007.  Volunteers will be needed to staff the OVKA booth.  Lynda Whitaker asked volunteers for the Kart Marketing International Show in Schaumburg, Illinois to contact her so badges can be ordered.  The show will be held February 24 and 25. 



CLEAN-UP DAY:  Randy Vermillion thanked Max Viney and the Track Improvement Committee for overseeing the clean-up day.  Thanks was extended to the 39 people who volunteered their time to help maintain the facility. 


I-CARD:  Randy Vermillion reported Bill Brundage has contacted I-Card regarding updating the new computers with the I-Card software which can be downloaded from their website.


ENTRY FEES:  Rick Coombs made a motion to take member entry fees from $25 to $30 for first entry, $20 to $25 for members second entry, $30 to $35 for non-members first entry and $25 to $30 for non-members second entry.  The motion was seconded by Nick Ouwerkerk.  Don Boles amended the motion to set aside the club’s share of proceeds from the increase in a special fund for track improvement.  Due to the lack of a second, the amendment died.  Coombs’ motion was then voted on and passed with 8 in favor and 3 opposed. 


GATE FEE: Rick Coombs suggested leaving the gate fee at $8.00 unless there is an increase in the cost of insurance. 


MEMBERSHIP FEE: Randy Potter made a motion to increase the membership fee by $5.00.  The motion was seconded by JoAnne Hartings and failed with 7 opposed and 4 in favor. 


2007 SCHEDULE: Doug Stempfley, II asked if the New Castle dates for next season are locked in.  Randy Vermillion responded he was told they are 90% guaranteed.  Vermillion said he has a firm commitment from Circleville for two dates.  Hal Thornton expressed concern about the number of Saturday races on a Sunday time schedule.  Vermillion explained how dates were determined in order to work around national events and holidays.  Mark Lewis made a motion to do away with the New Castle dates if the club is unable to securely lock in dates and move the events to Circleville without an ambulance.  Due to the lack of a second, the motion died. Vermillion explained that Steve Tatman is not willing to share in the expense of an ambulance at his facility and asked if the board wants to go back to securing the services of an EMT at Circleville as has been done in the past.  Vermillion said the ambulance expense is offset at G & J by the pit spot rentals.  Toshiya Michimi asked if pit spots can be rented at Circleville to generate income to help cover the ambulance.  Lynda Whitaker responded that Tatman will allow this if someone within the club oversees it.  Vermillion said he does not want to see us take this on.  JoAnne Hartings pointed out that it is more difficult for the club to fill all of the worker positions at Circleville because a number of our workers won’t travel there.  Vermillion said he expects board members to help fill in empty worker positions next year.  Hartings made a motion to accept the 2007 schedule as drafted.  The motion was seconded by Max Viney and passed with 9 in favor and 2 opposed. 


CLASS STRUCTURE:  Randy Vermillion made a motion to accept the class structure with the inclusion of the Rookie Class in 2007.  The motion was seconded by Nick Ouwerkerk and passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstained.


TIRES: Toshiya Michimi reported he has been in contact with Dunlop and was told no decision has been made about phasing out the SL4 tire – that it will depend on the market.  He said if the club wants to change to SL6s, we need to let Russell Karting know.  Nick Ouwerkerk stated he views the SL6 as a tire that will best suit the karter and the issue will be whether there will be a supply problem.  Don Boles responded he sees no reason to switch if we don’t know much about the SL6 tire yet.  Michimi suggested keeping the SL4 for a given period of time then switch to SL6.  Ouwerkerk recommended giving SL6 tires as prizes at the upcoming banquet if the club is going to switch this coming season.  Randy Vermillion will discuss the matter with Jim Russell, Jr.


2007 OFFICERS:  Randy Vermillion discussed officer positions and reported the current officers are willing to serve next season.  He asked if anyone else is interested in being a candidate for an officer position.



OVKA WEBSITE: Doug Stempfley, II asked for feedback about the OVKA website.  Toshiya Michimi suggested announcements be centrally located on the opening page.  Stempfley said he can rework that page.  He would like to experiment with photos which can be done at no additional cost.  Michimi asked if there is a way people can sign up to be notified of updates.  Stempfley will check into this.


WKA TECH MANUALS:  Lynda Whitaker asked the board if they would be interested in having 2007 WKA tech manuals available for sale to the karters.  Randy Vermillion said they will be available for sale with WKA and kart shops at the Swap Meet.  No action was taken.


DONATION REQUEST:  Lynda Whitaker explained a request was made by Penny Burt for a donation of OVKA apparel or merchandise for an event to raise funds for funeral expenses for a 19-year-old nephew.  A dinner dance is being held Saturday, November 11th.  Due to end of season merchandise sales, no apparel was available.  Randy Vermillion said information about tickets for the dance is available this evening.


BOARD MEMBER NOMINATION:  Randy Vermillion nominated Toshiya Michimi to the OVKA Board of Directors.  A vote will take place at the December board meeting. 



A motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. was made by Nick Ouwerkerk, seconded by Tim Bell and passed unanimously.


NEXT MEETING: 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 5, 2006, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West State Route 122, Franklin, OH (east side of I-75)


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: T. Bell, D. Benson, D. Boles, R. Coombs, J. Hartings, R. Landes, M. Lewis, N. Ouwerkerk, D. Stempfley,, II, H. Thornton, R. Vermillion, and M. Viney.


MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: T. Cradlebaugh,  R. Etter, V. Hartings, D. Lawson, R. McKibben, T. Michimi, Randall Potter, Randy Potter, P. Robbins and L. Whitaker.


Respectfully submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 12/2/06.