CALL TO ORDER: President Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. at Ramada Inn, Middletown, Ohio. 


OPENING REMARKS: Randy Vermillion welcomed attendees and asked that everyone sign in and keep cell phones turned off or on vibrate. 


SECRETARYS' REPORT: Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the August minutes as published.  The motion was seconded by Hal Thornton and passed with 11 in favor and 1 abstained. 


TREASURERS' REPORT: On behalf of Gary Gregg, Rick Coombs provided an update on finances.



RULES COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs explained that the Rules Committee will start meeting at the conclusion of the season.  Members are encouraged to come to the first meeting to share their thoughts and ideas.  The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, October 21, 2006 in the scoring tower at G & J Kartway.  Suggestions may also be emailed to Coombs at [email protected].


SPONSORSHIPS / PIT SPOTS: Randy Vermillion explained there is a need for someone to chair the Sponsorship Committee.  This position requires a sizeable amount of time to promote the organization and works closely with the pit spot chairperson, Hal Thornton, and Swap Meet Committee.  Interested person can contact Vermillion.


SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion reported on options he found for replacing the OVKA show booths.  Steve Smith made a motion to appropriate up to $1,500 for a new show booth.  The motion was seconded by Don Boles and passed with 11 in favor and 1 abstained.  Nick Ouwerkerk reported the Arthritis Foundation’s Mini Grand Prix held at Kentucky Speedway went well.  He discussed ways OVKA could dovetail off events at the speedway to promote the club and karting.  Ray McKibben suggested promoting the club at a street race in Kettering by having a small exhibition with a couple of karts.  He explained it is a charitable event and offered his help.  Randy Potter reported there is a car show in Owensville the first weekend in October the club may want to consider participating in.  Ouwerkerk reported that the Cincinnati Cavalcade of Customs Show will be held in early January and has been OVKA’s biggest promotional opportunity.  Max Viney offered to oversee OVKA participating in the Dayton Autorama at the Dayton Airport Expo Center January 5th through 7th, 2007.  Viney pointed out that participation credits can be earned by working four-hour shifts at promotional events.


TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: Max Viney reported the Track Improvement Committee met August 10, 2006.  He reviewed committee recommendations which include: track addition, track winterizing and clean-up day, kart stand paved path, new pit pass booth, hay bale sleeves, RV/generator parking area, permanent shade structures for corner workers,  and easing grid congestion.  Viney anticipates having a drawing of track addition suggestions at the next board meeting.  He explained the importance of filling cracks in the track prior to winter and said it may take a couple of weekends to complete.  Viney made a motion to appropriate $1,000 for track filler and winterizing supplies.  The motion was seconded by Nick Ouwerkerk and passed unanimously.  A clean-up day was set for Saturday, October 21, 2006 from 1:00 p.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m.  Volunteers will earn a participation credit for working a four-hour shift.  Rain date will be Sunday, October 22, 2006 from 1:00 p.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m.



NIGHT LIGHTING: Randy Vermillion thanked the crew who helped set up and tear down lights for the night races.  A special thanks was extended to Tim Bell, Ray McKibben and Herman Tholen for all of their assistance.  Bell said help will be needed to transport lights that are being donated to the club back from Circleville.  .


2007 SCHEDULE: Randy Vermillion presented a draft 2007 schedule.  He explained someone will need to head up the driving school next season if it is to continue.  Max Viney agreed to oversee this and said he will need others to assist.  In discussing the draft schedule, Vermillion explained the dates do not conflict with the WKA Manufacturers Cup or Gold Cup races.  Gerald Whaling reported he has polled the majority of his customers and learned most want 10 races at Camden and no traveling.  A poll of the board was taken regarding the number of races with the following results: 0 votes for 10 races, 2 votes for 12 races and 9 votes for 14 races.  The board was then polled for a fun race with 8 in favor and 3 opposed.  Hal Thornton expressed concern about the number of Saturday events on the schedule.  Vermillion explained this was done in response to the positive comments that were heard after the New Castle race and with consideration given to all of the supplies that have to be packed up at away races.  JoAnne Hartings pointed out the high attendance at the New Castle race.  Thornton inquired as to Circleville’s plans for making improvements to the facility to which Vermillion responded he has not heard of any.  Vermillion discussed the ambulance expense at Circleville and said Steve Tatman suggested selling pit spots to help cover this.  Vermillion will make some changes to draft schedule and present next month.


TIRES: Nick Ouwerkerk discussed differences in tire compounds and said he feels the best deal going continues to be the Dunlop SL4s.  He reported Dunlop will be offering another compound next year, SL6, which will have a harder sidewall.  Randy Vermillion explained he has asked Mark Lewis to test some SL6 tires.  Ouwerkerk said the club needs to let kart shops know what our tire plans are so shops can prepare their inventory.  Vermillion will talk with Circleville and New Castle regarding their tire plans for next year.  Steve Smith expressed concern about entering into any long-term contracts with tire suppliers.   The matter was tabled until next month.


WORKERS: Randy Vermillion explained that as the season nears an end, it becomes more difficult to find workers, especially turn marshals.  He asked for everyone’s help in locating people to fill worker positions.  Rick Coombs said the Rules Committee will be looking at what other organizations do such as having a “buy week” where a class is required to work.



FM TRANSMITTER: Randy Vermillion reported the FM system was damaged by a power surge so a replacement was purchased at a cost of $260.95.


CLASS STRUCTURE: Randy Vermillion asked for input regarding the 2007 class structure.  He explained it is necessary to have this determined at the same time as the 2007 schedule so this information can be included in off-season publicity.  Following discussion, Steve Smith made a motion to adopt the 2007 class structure minus TaG and officially include the Rookie class.  The motion was seconded by Max Viney and failed with 4 opposed, 3 in favor and 3 abstained.  Rick Coombs made a motion to table the matter.  The motion was seconded by Max Viney and passed unanimously.  Vermillion explained the weight is being raised in the Rookie class in order to prepare the drivers for moving up next season.  Tim Bell commented how well he feels the Rookie class has done.


ENTRY FEE: Randy Vermillion provided comparison entry fees from other tracks and asked the board to start thinking about what they want to do next season.  Randy Potter suggested raising the membership fee instead.  Don Boles pointed out the gate fee will also need to be looked at in relation to the cost of insurance for next season.  Nick Ouwerkerk said consideration could be given to having a hot grid area and general area and suggested the Track Improvement Committee look at the feasibility of fencing off an area. 



PUMPKIN DECORATING CONTEST: Steve Smith reminded everyone about the pumpkin decorating contest at the last race on Sunday, October 1, 2006. 


NEW CASTLE CONFIGUATION: Randy Potter suggested running backwards at a New Castle event next year.


ANNOUNCING: Ray McKibben extended thanks to Gary Gregg for announcing at some of the G & J events.  He said people really enjoy Gregg’s commentary.


ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Nick Ouwerkerk made a motion to adjourn to executive session at 9:58 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Rick Coombs and passed unanimously.


EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Having been nominated last month, Doug Benson was unanimously voted to the OVKA Board of Directors.


EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the executive session was made at 10:05 p.m. by Max Viney, seconded by Nick Ouwerkerk and passed unanimously.


NEXT MEETING: 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 3, 2006, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West State Route 122, Franklin, OH (east side of I-75)


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: T. Bell, D. Boles, B. Brundage, R. Coombs,  J. Hartings, R. Landes, M. Lewis, N. Ouwerkerk, S. Smith, D. Stempfley,, II, H. Thornton, R. Vermillion, and M. Viney.


MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: D. Benson, C. Bogan, T. Cradlebaugh,  V. Hartings, K. McKibben, R. McKibben, S. McKibben, T. Michimi, Randall Potter, Randy Potter, P. Robbins, G. Whaling, L. Whitaker and B. Williams.


Respectfully submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 9/30/06.