AUGUST 1, 2006
CALL TO ORDER: President Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at
7:07 p.m. at Ramada Inn, Middletown, Ohio.
Randy Vermillion welcomed attendees and asked that everyone sign in and keep
cell phones turned off or on vibrate.
Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the July minutes with a corrected next
meeting date. The motion was seconded
by Rick Coombs and passed unanimously.
COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs explained that the Rules Committee will start meeting at
the conclusion of the season. The
general membership is encouraged to come to the first meeting to share their
thoughts and ideas. Suggestions may be
emailed ahead of time to Coombs at [email protected].
SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion reported that the
show booth either needs replaced or extensive repairs in order to be ready for
off-season promotional events. Steve
Smith asked if funds should be appropriated tonight to which Mark Lewis
suggested obtaining pricing first.
Vermillion said he would like to include more pictures and the series
schedule on the booth. Don Boles pointed
out that the booth is all about showcasing the organization and suggested a
television display be a part of it.
Vermillion will follow up with Bill Soares who has been filming OVKA
events this season. The matter was
tabled. Ted Cradlebaugh suggested
including some video footage on the OVKA website to which Doug Stempfley
responded he can do that. Max Viney
asked that people provide Stempfley with digital footage. Cradlebaugh recommended participating in
local car shows such as the one held in Germantown. Vermillion replied that OVKA literature is available to persons
interested in distributing it at promotional opportunities in their
communities. Tim Bell inquired about
contacting Kentucky Speedway. Nick
Ouwerkerk offered to check into it.
TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: Max Viney outlined the types of
cracks in the track and said Bret Campbell will obtain an estimate to repair
them. The committee will hold another
meeting next week to discuss lengthening the track and beautification of the
facility. Randy Vermillion inquired if
the committee is looking at other repairs such as gates and fences to which
Viney responded they are.
LIGHTING: Randy Vermillion thanked everyone who helped arrange for and set up
the lights for the night races. A
special thanks was extended to Tim Bell, Ray McKibben and Herman Tholen for all
of their efforts. Tholen will obtain
the lights for the last night race on August 19th. Vermillion said a crew will be needed to
assist with set up for this race.
VS. AMBULANCE AT CIRCLEVILLE: Randy Vermillion reported that Steve Tatman did
not agree to split the ambulance expense at Circleville. Tim Bell asked if Tatman would allow the
club to rent pit spots in order to raise funds as is done at G & J. Gerald Whaling made a motion to move the
last Circleville race to Camden. The
motion was seconded by Hal Thornton and failed with 9 opposed and 2 in favor. Vermillion said this issue needs to be
considered as the 2007 schedule is planned.
SCHEDULE: Lynda Whitaker reported she has contacted WKA, the Great Lakes Sprint
Series and Midwest Sprint Series to obtain information about their schedules
for 2007. WKA expects to have their
2007 schedule available in the next couple of weeks. Whitaker will report back next month. Randy Vermillion explained that it is impossible to schedule
around everyone else and there may be some overlap. Vermillion anticipates presenting a draft schedule next month.
CASTLE RACE #8 (SAT., 7/8/06): In follow up to last month, Randy Vermillion
explained he conducted some research into a situation in the Junior Briggs
class where a participant did not report to post-tech. Due to an error by club staff, the driver’s
absence in post-tech was overlooked.
Vermillion said he felt it proper to disqualify the driver who was not
there and has discussed the matter with the driver and parent.
& J RACE #9 (SAT, 7/22/06): Randy Vermillion reported on a situation that
occurred at race #9 that resulted in the disqualifications of four drivers in
the Senior Briggs Animal class.
Following discussion, Nick Ouwerkerk made a motion to place all four
drivers involved in the July 22, 2006 situation on a four race probation period
for the remainder of this year. The
motion was seconded by Max Viney and passed with 6 in favor, 4 opposed and 1
Randy Vermillion said the board needs to start thinking about tire
specifications for next season. Nick
Ouwerkerk asked the board what criteria they want to use to make this
decision. Ouwerkerk reviewed pros and
cons of Dunlop, Bridgestone and Vega tires.
Vermillion reported Circleville plans to stay with Vega tires and New
Castle plans to follow WKA tire specifications. Ray McKibben said consideration should be given to the cost to
the karters and he would rather pay a little more up front for tires that will
last longer. The matter was tabled
pending further research.
Whitaker explained that three years ago Mike
Velten said there would come a time we would want to look at updating our
laptops. Both computers have reached a
point they are crashing during races as they have to hold more data. This becomes more of an issue the farther we
get into the season. Pricing has been
obtained through our software provider for two new laptops which would allow us
to use what is now the primary computer for doing driver’s meeting notes and
other typing and also have a backup computer.
Whitaker made a motion to appropriate up to $2,400 to purchase two
laptops as speced out by LRCS. The
motion was seconded by Nick Ouwerkerk.
Mark Lewis amended the motion to table the matter and think about it one
month. The amendment was seconded by
Hal Thornton and failed with 8 opposed and 3 in favor. Whitaker’s motion was then voted on and
passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstained.
RESIGNATION: Randy Vermillion reported it is with regret he accepted the
resignation of Steve Rumsey from the Board of Directors. Vermillion thanked Rumsey for his dedication
to the organization and all he has done to be of assistance.
NOMINATION: Randy Vermillion nominated Doug Benson to the OVKA Board of
Directors. This nomination will be
voted on next month.
SPREADSHEET: Tim Bell said he likes the new points spreadsheet on the OVKA
website and thanked Doug Stempfley for his time and effort in putting this
CARVING / DECORATING CONTEST: Steve Smith will once again coordinate a pumpkin
decorating / carving contest at our last event, Sunday, October 1, 2006. EMTs will be the judges with prizes awarded
for first, second and third place.
Smith will provide flyers at an upcoming race.
PICTURES: Tim Bell said he would like to see pictures from previous seasons on
the OVKA website.
FOR RILEY: Max Viney reported on a fundraising event at New Castle Motorsports
tomorrow which raises funds for Riley Hospital for Children in
Indianapolis. Viney said a number of
OVKA karters will be participating in this event.
NEXT MEETING: 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 5,
2006, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West State Route 122, Franklin, OH (east
side of I-75)
Bell, D. Boles, R. Coombs, G. Gregg, J. Hartings, M. Lewis, N. Ouwerkerk, S.
D. Stempfley, II, H.
Thornton, R. Vermillion, and M. Viney.
MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: D. Benson, C. Bogan, O. Cohen, T.
Cradlebaugh, K. McKibben, R. McKibben,
S. McKibben, Randall Potter, Randy Potter, D. Stempfley, G. Whaling, L.
Whitaker and B. Williams.
submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 9/3/06.