JULY 11, 2006
CALL TO ORDER: President Randy Vermillion called the meeting to order at
7:05 p.m. at Ramada Inn, Middletown, Ohio.
Randy Vermillion extended a welcome to everyone and asked that cell phones be
turned off or on vibrate mode.
Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the June minutes as published. The motion was seconded by Don Boles and
passed with 8 in favor and 1 abstained.
behalf of Jason Gregg, Gary Gregg provided the financial report.
RACE: Lynda Whitaker thanked Carolyn Thornton, Barb Bell, Beth Slater, Kathy
McKibben, Angie Campbell, JoAnne Hartings and all of the people who helped make
the Champ Race a memorable event.
Whitaker reported a significant number of people stayed for the games
and some nice prizes were awarded. The
track beautification contest (also known as the trash decorating contest) was a
big hit and helped spruce things up. Food
was provided by Powerhouse Catering and music by Mike and Kathy Reifeis. Whitaker had positive feedback from quite a
few people.
COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs explained that the Rules Committee will begin meeting
once the season has concluded. The
general membership will be encouraged to come to the first meeting to share
their thoughts and ideas. Suggestions
may be emailed ahead of time to Coombs at [email protected].
SPONSORSHIP / PIT SOPTS: Randy Vermillion explained how
sponsors are recognized through announcements at each event.
SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Randy Vermillion reported he has
received requests from a number of people for OVKA flyers to distribute at
various events. Anyone who would like
materials to promote the organization should contact him. Tim Bell reported Elaine Gregg coordinated
OVKA’s participation in a parade held in Eaton. Gregg carpeted a flatbed trailer to carry 15 karts along with
banners on the parade route. Bell said
he met a lot of people at the parade Eaton who were not aware of the
track. Vermillion explained Gary Gregg
has been attempting to provide better signage for G & J Kartway since the
facility is so far off main roads. Vermillion
said he is waiting to hear from Nick Ouwerkerk regarding the Arthritis
Foundation’s request to rent the club’s timing system, transponders and timing
operators for their Mini Grand Prix.
TRACK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: Max Viney reported the Track
Improvement Committee held a meeting after Champ Race qualifying. Committee member, Bret Campbell, who has
background in pavement work, surveyed the track for A, B and C cracks. The committee is looking at how best to improve,
repair and maintain the track, as well as minimize deterioration. Doug and Scott Benson took measurements and
Viney designed a CAD drawing. Campbell
will obtain estimates to fill cracks. A
follow up meeting is to be scheduled.
Committee participants include Doug Benson, Scott Benson, Bret Campbell,
Ted Cradlebaugh, Mark Lewis and Max Viney.
Randy Vermillion thanked committee members for their work so far.
NIGHT RACE #9 LIGHTING: Randy Vermillion explained help will be needed
installing rental lights Friday evening, July 21 in preparation for the
Saturday night race. Funds were
appropriated last month to cover lighting expenses. Tim Bell will make arrangements with Herman Tholen for delivery
and pickup of the lights. Vermillion
explained Lynda Whitaker took pictures prior to the last night race, which will
be referred to in placing the lights at the next night race. Bell and Vermillion asked Gary Gregg to
replace bulbs in turn two and four.
VS. AMBULANCE AT CIRCLEVILLE: In follow up to last month’s discussion, Randy
Vermillion reported he talked with Steve Tatman regarding having an ambulance
squad at Circleville rather than EMT and asked for the board’s thoughts on the
matter. JoAnne Hartings stated if we
have an ambulance at the other two tracks we race at, it should be no different
at Circleville. Ray McKibben said EMTs
need to be watching 100% of the time.
Max Viney made a motion to provide the appropriate funding for an
ambulance for the last two Circleville races.
The motion was seconded by Doug Stempfley, II and passed with 8 in favor
and 2 opposed. Randy Vermillion will
contact Tatman to make arrangements and sharing the cost.
EQUIPMENT: Randy Vermillion explained it was necessary to purchase two grade A burettes
for tech procedures at a cost of $263.04.
Vermillion thanked Gerald Whaling for loaning a burette at the Champ
Race when one was broken.
LAP TIMES: Randy Vermillion asked for feedback about racelaps.com. Tim Bell and Ted Cradlebaugh responded they
think it is great. Doug Stempfley, II
said he feels it is better than what we had.
Bell asked about the points spreadsheet. Lynda Whitaker will check into it.
CASTLE RACE #8: Randy Vermillion asked how people liked holding a Saturday
event using a Sunday time schedule. Bob
Wood responded he thinks it works well as it allows families to have Sunday to
relax. Vermillion agreed saying he
feels it makes for an easier weekend.
Doug Stempfley, II suggested this format be used at Circleville. Ted Cradlebaugh stated he would like to see
more Saturday races. Stempfley asked if
there is a way someone could be stationed at the entry area at New Castle
selling pit passes.
SCHEDULE: Randy Vermillion asked the board to start thinking about planning for
next year’s racing schedule. He explained
that during the off-season, publicity needs to go out and shows are held where
OVKA literature is distributed.
Vermillion asked that consideration be given to the number of races, number
of drops, how many away races, how many night races and running Saturday events
on a Sunday schedule. Steve Smith said
he would like to see two races held on a back-to-back Saturday & Sunday at
an away track. Gerald Whaling suggested
having two series, one that holds ten races at G & J and one that travels
four races at Circleville plus two or three at New Castle. He stated there could also be an overall
combined champion. Vermillion said he
would like to see racers from the away tracks support G & J as we do their
tracks. Gary Gregg responded he feels
it is important to support other tracks in order to keep karting strong as a
region. Vermillion will put together a
draft schedule by October.
PROCEDURES: Randy Vermillion discussed the protest procedure that is in place
per the OVKA rulebook. He explained
that race officials are not to be taken away from their positions to discuss
situations. If a racer is dissatisfied
with a call that is made, they need to use the existing protest procedure.
In follow up to last month, Randy Vermillion discussed the difficulty that
continues in finding corner workers. He
explained this is a volunteer organization and not a business. Don Boles said he is an advocate for
requiring two classes per event to work rather than race. Vermillion stated the worker reimbursement
schedule needs to be reviewed, as there has not been an adjustment for a number
of years. He said another issue has
been people signing up to work then not showing up. Randy Landes pointed out that the difficulty with getting corner
workers may have something to do with not having much of a break and if they
make a call, they may get hammered. Doug
Benson asked for Vermillion’s personal opinion as to why it is so hard to get
workers and how to go about fixing this.
Vermillion responded he feels workers are under compensated and
overworked and the club would need to run as a business to fix this. Benson pointed out that a good deal of money
goes to the banquet. Vermillion said it
is difficult to find people who want to stand out in the sun all day fourteen
times a year and have some knowledge of racing. John Horn said people may not know they receive financial
compensation and suggested this be announced.
Horn asked if any advertising has been done locally such as in Eaton. Vermillion explained this has been done in
the past and there is the need for someone to take this on. Ted Cradlebaugh suggested consideration be
given to requiring people to work an event or receive a zero. The matter was tabled.
BRIGGS: Bob Wood explained that a competitor in the Junior Briggs class did not
run the third heat but scored few enough points from the first two heats to
finish in the top five for the day.
This competitor was not disqualified for the day for failure to report
to impound. Wood cited both the OVKA
rulebook and WKA tech manual.
Vermillion explained that since the class was not selected for tech, the
drivers were released at the scale resulting in an oversight in recognizing a
top five finisher was missing. He further
stated that it is not often a person finishes in the top five if they didn’t
finish all three heats. Tim Bell reminded everyone that the Tech Director
instructed racers at the driver’s meeting that if they even think they are a
top five finisher, they need to go to impound.
Joan Morgan stated not showing up for post-tech is a serious
matter. George Jackson said while he
feels this should be a disqualification for the day, he does not think it
should have to be carried for the year.
Vermillion reported that another competitor who did not complete all
three heats and left early did leave their kart at the track in anticipation of
being a top five finisher. Gerald
Whaling said that since the classes had already been picked that were going to
be teched, Mark Brown was unaware the competitor was not there. Vermillion asked the board for input as to
whether to go back and disqualify the driver. Hal Thornton responded he does no
think we can go back and do so. Morgan
agreed saying you cannot tech in arrears.
discussed a post-technical disqualification his son received at the Champ
Race. Jackson said the rules need to be
looked at as he feels it is unfair the disqualification has to be counted
toward year-end points. Randy
Vermillion responded he believes the part in question would not pass WKA inspection. Vermillion explained that WKA requires
unsportsmanlike disqualifications to be counted as a zero in year-end points
while other types of DQs for the day, such as mechanical issues, can be used as
a dropped race toward overall season points.
He said OVKA’s rule on this is harsher.
Joan Morgan discussed how quickly a can may crack and said she feels
OVKA’s rule on counting DQs seems unfair.
Vermillion said if this were to be changed for one person, it would have
to be changed for everyone this year. He
suggested the matter be considered for the 2007 season to which Don Boles
CLASS: Gary Gregg proposed restructuring the TaG class to specify one weight
and one engine. Randy Vermillion
responded this could be looked at for next year.
Carlson Bogan said Randy Vermillion needs to be commended for the excellent job
he did lining up qualified post-tech staff for the Champ Race, as well as all of
his hard work throughout the season.
A motion to adjourn was made at 10:05 p.m. by Don Boles, seconded by Rick
Coombs and passed unanimously.
NEXT MEETING: 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 1, 2006,
at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West State Route 122, Franklin, OH (east side of
Bell, D. Boles, R. Coombs, G. Gregg, J. Hartings, R. Landes, M. Lewis, D.
Stempfley, II, S. Smith, H. Thornton,
R. Vermillion, and M. Viney.
MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: P. Antoun, D. Benson, C. Bogan, T.
Cradlebaugh, V. Hartings, J. Horn, C. Jackson, G. Jackson, G. Lutz, K.
McKibben, R. McKibben, S. McKibben, J. Morgan, P. Robbins, C. Stempfley, D.
Stempfley, G. Whaling, L. Whitaker, B. Williams and B. Wood.
submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 7/30/06.