CALL TO ORDER: President Rick Coombs called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. at Ramada Inn, Middletown, Ohio.


OPENING REMARKS: Rick Coombs reminded attendees to sign in, keep cell phones off or on vibrate mode, and asked that sidebar conversations be kept to a minimum.      


SECRETARY’S REPORT: Lynda Whitaker made a motion to accept the October minutes as published.  The motion was seconded by Steve Smith and passed with 6 in favor and 1 abstained.  Whitaker asked to table the November minutes until next month.  With the availability of a $30 discount card for Staples, Whitaker asked the board for funds to purchase supplies for next year before the discount expires at the end of this year.  Smith made a motion to allocate $250 for 2006 supplies.  The motion was seconded by Nick Ouwerkerk and passed unanimously.  Rick Coombs reminded board members they need to have their dues paid by the January 4, 2006 board meeting in order to have voting privileges.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Gary Gregg provided an update on finances and said there has been very little activity.



RULES COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs reported that the Rules Committee held three marathon sessions to develop recommendations for the 2006 rulebook.  A draft was sent to board members and Coombs asked them to take time prior to the next board meeting to review it.


BANQUET COMMITTEE: Rick Coombs reported that banquet preparations are well under way.  A response from WKA is anticipated regarding their attendance at our banquet.  Randy Potter said there are four of our drivers in the top 10 nationally with the WKA Weekly Racing Series.  Steve Smith suggested these drivers be asked to stand for recognition at our banquet.

The banquet will be held Saturday, January 21, 2006 at Kings Island Resort and Conference Center.  The banquet registration form is available online and in the newsletter.  Ticket prices prior to January 6th are $30 for adults (ages 13 and older); $15 for ages 6 through 12; children 5 and under are free.  After January 6th, ticket price increases $5.00.  In order to get the special room rate of $69 plus tax, hotel reservations need to be made by January 6, 2006. 


SHOWS & PROMOTIONS: Nick Ouwerkerk reported the DARF (Dayton Auto Race Fans) banquet was held this past weekend where four OVKA class champions were recognized.  Congratulations to Remy Brundage, Victor Hartings, Dakota Pesek, and Don McCain, all of whom received a plaque from DARF.  Congratulations to Travis Gregg who was recognized as “Asphalt Driver of the Year” at the banquet.  Bill Brundage said it was a great evening and JoAnne Hartings stated DARF did a very nice job with their banquet.  Ouwerkerk made a motion to appropriate up to $300 for expenses associated with OVKA’s participation in the Cavalcade of Customs Show.  The motion was seconded by Steve Smith and passed unanimously.  This show will be held January 27 through 29, 2006 at Cincinnati Convention Center.  Volunteers will be needed to staff the booth.  Randy Vermillion has received information about the Springfield Car and Parts Show next May.  Vermillion discussed the need for OVKA flyers, tri-folds, and business card schedules for Cavalcade, the Swap Meet and the KMI Show and made a motion to appropriate up to $2,000 for these promotional materials.  The motion was seconded by Smith and passed with 7 in favor and 1 abstained.  Ouwerkerk suggested members look for ways they can promote OVKA on their own.  Max Viney recommended the promotional flyers be available for download on the OVKA website.


SPONSORSHIP / PIT SPOTS: Randy Vermillion will be working with Hal Thornton to expand the mailing list for sponsorship packets.


SWAP MEET: Gary Gregg reported preparation for the 2006 swap meet is underway and Tim Bussen has sent out flyers.  Rick Coombs said there will be the need for gate workers and asked volunteers to contact Jeff Morningstar at (937) 859-1167 or [email protected].  The swap meet will be held Saturday, February 4, 2006 at the Clark County Fairgrounds.



WKA CHEST PROTECTION REQUIREMENT: Rick Coombs reminded everyone that as of December 26, 2005, WKA will require the use of chest protection in Kid Kart and Sportsman-age classes (12 years and younger) in all series.  More information can be found on the WKA website.


2006 WORKERS: Rick Coombs discussed the ongoing need for workers next season.  An AMB operator is needed, as well as corner workers.  Adam Schaeff has agreed to serve as Race Director.


WEBSITE OVERHAUL: Rick Coombs explained that Doug Stempfley had emailed board members the link to a prototype for the new OVKA website and asked for feedback.  Steve Smith asked if sound could be added to which Stempfley said it can.  Bill Brundage inquired about having a web forum to which Coombs responded our insurance does not cover forums or chat rooms.  Stempfley was thanked by Coombs and given a round of applause for his efforts.


2006 OFFICERS: Rick Coombs said the following people have expressed interest in filling officer positions in 2006: Randy Vermillion – President, Max Viney – Vice-President, Lynda Whitaker - Secretary, and Jason Gregg – Treasurer.  Any one else interested in running for one of these positions should contact Coombs.  Election of officers will take place at the general membership meeting prior to the banquet.


2006 CLASS STRUCTURE: Randy Vermillion reported there were concerns about the 2006 class structure that was approved last month, specifically, the weight increase for Junior Briggs from 300# to 325#.  Following discussion, Vermillion made a motion to change the Junior Briggs weight to 310# for the 2006 season.  The motion was seconded by Don Boles and passed with 7 in favor and 1 abstained.  Steve Smith said he heard there is some interest in the Yamaha Heavy class for next season.



BY-LAW REVISION: Randy Vermillion said with the upcoming revamped OVKA website, he feels the newsletter should be discontinued and asked if this would require a change to the OVKA by-laws.  Nick Ouwerkerk said the term “electronic” could be used as long as that does not box us in.  Rick Coombs suggested the December Exhaust be the last newsletter published.  Tim Bell recommended an annual mailing be done to include banquet/general membership meeting information, membership application and swap meet flyer.  Lynda Whitaker said copies of the monthly minutes could be made available at the track for those persons who do not have internet access.  Gerald Whaling asked if the club could provide him with tri-fold flyers he could give to interested persons to which Vermillion said this could be done.  Whaling said that businesses who are not sponsors should not be included in promotional materials or on the website since as this should be a benefit of sponsorship.  Ouwerkerk said we owe it to the sponsors to include their name in print and suggested 2005 sponsors be included in upcoming publications.  Doug Stempfley said there are a lot of avenues the club could go when it comes to sponsorship with both karting and non-karting businesses.  Stempfley offered to contact the current list of karting-related businesses to discuss their interest in sponsorship. 



CLASS ORDER: Doug Benson inquired about the class order for next season.  Rick Coombs explained it is shuffled based on a variety of factors, such as who races in multiple classes, two family members racing in different classes, and rotation from the previous year.  Lynda Whitaker said consideration is given to the younger classes so they are not at the end of the rotation.



·          Monthly Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 3, 2006, at Ramada Inn Middletown, 6147 West State Route 122, Franklin, OH (east side of I-75)

·          Annual General Membership Meeting – 2:00 p.m., Saturday, January 21, 2006, Kings Island Resort & Conference Center, 5691 Kings Island Drive, Mason, OH


ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn at 9:32 p.m. was made by Nick Ouwerkerk, seconded by Tim Bell and passed unanimously.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bell, Boles, Brundage, Coombs, Gregg, Ouwerkerk, Smith, Vermillion, and Viney.


MEMBERS / VISITORS PRESENT: D. Benson, S. Benson, C. Bogan, R. Cox, T. Cradlebaugh, J. Hartings, V. Hartings, D. Lawson, Randall Potter, Randy Potter, D. Stempfley, G. Whaling, and L. Whitaker.


Respectfully submitted by Lynda Whitaker, OVKA Secretary, 12/13/05.